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Everyone's breast cancer diagnosis is different. People respond differently to treatment and even make different decisions based on their own personal preferences. We also understand that breast cancer extends well beyond the person who is diagnosed. It touches all aspects of life including family members, friends, and loved ones. 


Sharing your experience not only helps others looking for connection, but it is also therapeutic for YOU! Unpacking everything you have been through, expressing your concerns, questions, fears, successes, and celebrations can help you make sense of the cancer experience. Moreover, it shows those in our community that they are not alone and that we are a powerful community of warriors!


Looking for examples? Explore our breast cancer survivor and breast cancer thriver stories here. We also are building out resources for moms, daughters, spouses, and more, so be sure to check back often. 


Need help with topics and ideas? We have guidance and recommendations for getting started located below the Submission Form.

What personal information I should include in my story?


You are free to share as much or as little information as you feel comfortable with. Think back to when you were diagnosed- what information were you looking for? What do you wish you would have known? A few things to consider sharing (but not required) include:


  • Age of diagnosis

  • What was your diagnosis (type, stage)?

  • Did you have chemotherapy, and if so, which drugs were you on?

  • Did you have surgery? If so, what type, how did you make that choice, and/or were lymph nodes involved?

  • Did you have radiation? If so, how many weeks?

  • Were you on any experimental trials? How did they go?

  • Are you taking any hormonal therapies, and if so, which drugs?

  • You are always welcome to also include your email, if you would like survivors to email and connect with you directly.


If you do not want your name included with your story, you can always let us know if you prefer to be anonymous.



What topics should I cover in my story?


You are welcome to share on a variety of topics. Express your own experience. Share topics that you think would be helpful for others to understand. Utilize your story as a means of catharsis. A few examples (but not limited to) include:


  • What to expect going through chemotherapy

  • How to manage losing your hair, tips, and advice

  • Understanding body changes and how to cope

  • Health and nutrition/ eating habits while undergoing treatment

  • Fighting fatigue and “chemo brain”

  • Managing work, home, and life balance, while in treatment

  • The top 10 things you wish you knew before starting treatment/ surgery

  • A day in the life of a survivor…



What if I don’t like to write or journal? Are there other ways to share my story?


Absolutely! This is a creative and open space for survivors and caregivers to share their experiences through a variety of expressive mediums. Feel free to share your story through journaling/ writing, poetry, music, art, movement, and more. You name it!


You can always send us images to include with your story, or as a visual representation of your story. If you want support with editing any content, then just let us know. We are happy to help!



What if I want to include pictures, or update my story at a later date? 


Not a problem! Just get in touch with us, and we can add photos and make updates at any time.​


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What information should I include in my caregiver story?

Comfort Level is Key:

You decide how much personal information to include. Reflect on what information you craved as a caregiver during your loved one's diagnosis and treatment and/or living with a terminal diagnosis.


Sharing Options: You can share as much or as little as you would like about your own personal experience as a caregiver. 


What topics should I cover in my story?


  • Have you ever been a “caregiver” before? Did your loved one’s diagnosis propel you into the role of “caregiver”? How has that impacted your identity?

  • How has the caregiving role impacted your relationship with your loved one diagnosed with cancer? 

  • As a caregiver, watching your love one go through treatment is difficult. What do you do to take care of yourself during these challenging times?

  • It is life-changing to hear that a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. What strategies did you incorporate to help you cope with this news? 

  • What is it like to witness physical changes when your loved one is going through treatment (surgeries, hair loss, weight gain, etc.) 

  • Do you have loved ones supporting you? Who do you lean on? Alternatively, who do you wish you could lean on? 

  • Tips for open and honest communication about your loved one’s cancer and prognosis, and your role as a caregiver.

  • Self-care strategies for caregivers to avoid burnout.

  • Managing work, home, and life balance while your loved one is in treatment.

  • Connecting with other caregivers who understand your challenges. 

  • Support systems for caregivers.

  • A day in the life of a caregiver.

  • Finding moments of joy and hope throughout the cancer experience.

  • Organizing medications, appointments, and other logistical support for your loved one. 

  • What 3 tips (or 5 tips) would you give to a new caregiver whose loved one was just diagnosed with cancer? 


What if I don’t like to write or journal? Are there other ways to share my story?


Not a writer? No problem! Share your story through a variety of other mediums:

  • Poetry

  • Music

  • Art

  • Video (contact us and we can help capture the recording!)

Can I Visual Storytelling:

  • You can include images to accompany your story (photos, art, etc.).

  • Contact us for any necessary corrections or changes to your story.


  •  Consider sending in a follow-up story to share your updates with the SBC community!

Young and Old Hands

Share your story as a caregiver 

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