By Dawn Oswald
Where did the words go?
I am here to listen
Just a little hello would do
Why did you lose your words?
Did the cloud roll in?
Is it covering what to say?
We used to talk for hours
Now silence
What happened?
You used to check on me
You stopped answering me
Did the cancer scare you?
It scares me
That is normal, but I’m still alive
They say many of us don’t make it past 3 years
I’m going on 5 years
Time to celebrate
Celebrate with friends and family
Celebrate 5 years living with breast cancer stage 4
5 years, wow let’s celebrate
Let the sun come out
Shine your words on me
Care, love, laugh with me
Cry if we need to
Celebrate my life with you
Celebrate our friendship
Celebrate being my family
Celebrate by loving me
Show me your words
Let’s party
Let’s talk
Let life shine on us
What we had
It can be again
Just say the words
Words, they are powerful
Shine on us
Be bright with your words
I hope I have 5 more years
I will have more years with or without you
You chose
I’m going to keep celebrating life
Life is too short
Know I am here for you
Whenever you want to talk
Words are powerful
Silence is more powerful
Even deadly
It only takes 1 word
So let’s start with hello
Hello, my name is Dawn
Would you like to celebrate with me?
Yes or no
Words have the power
But so do you

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