By Dawn Oswald
I choose to live
I choose to fight this battle
I choose to survive
I am the survivor
I continue to survive
I am surviving this terminal illness, this death sentence
I choose to wake up
I choose to smell the roses and watch the birds fly
I am the survivor, the warrior
I am the wonder women
I choose to have faith, hope, and to love
It is a battle, but a battle I will win
I choose to continue to fight
I stare you death in the eyes
I choose to live, to be free
I choose to take my medicine to stay alive
I choose to drink my cocktail of poison
I drink the wine, beer and even take a shot or 2
I choose to have fun, laugh and to smile
I choose to ask for help, to speak up for myself
I choose you: my family and friends
I dear you to choose life over death and fight for you
For you to love, to live, to laugh
I choose to cry, scream, and be depressed
I dear you to find what makes you happy again
I choose to survival
You can choose whatever you want
I choose life to the end
You are too a survivor, choose to survive
I choose me
I choose you
I choose forgiveness
I choose this life
I choose to be a survivor
For life and everything around me is my choice