Since the creation of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2017, , (SBC) has fostered human connection through shared circumstances. Whether our members connect based on the same type or stage of breast cancer or the same treatment regimen, SBC is a place where everyone is seen.
We know that serving as a caregiver to someone who has been diagnosed with cancer can be overwhelming. Our services are expanding to include dedicated support for these all-important caregivers for individuals diagnosed with cancer. We are thrilled to introduce a new support group: The Caregiver Huddle. This professionally-moderated group provides a safe space for caregivers to discuss the realities of caring for a loved one with cancer while simultaneously receiving vital emotional and practical support for themselves.
✨This group is open to all caregivers for all types of cancer✨
We will meet every third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.