By William Laferriere
Dedicated to David and all the wonderful folks at Harmony and Healing
In the existence of all
is found a rhythm and a pattern.
Thus we consciously find ourselves
deeply embedded within
a cosmic, rhythmic universe.
Everywhere we look
viable rhythms discern.
They’re found in all the patterns
moving through the associated
dimensions of time and space.
It is there as the seasons cycle,
in the migration of birds,
the oceans’ tides, and waves,
the rivers’ rolling to the sea,
the waxing and waning of the moon,
the fruiting, harvesting and dying of plants,
the birth, development, and death of all sentient beings.
Musical rhythm, in its myriad manifestations,
has served us well throughout time.
It is believed to have originated
during the middle Paleolithic Period,
dating back some 50,000 years.
It’s evidence depicted by the dancers
of ancient cave sketches
and unearthed primordial instruments.
This rhythm has long been recognized
as such a powerful tool,
known for uplifting one’s spirit,
for evoking a multitude
of emotional responses.
It may relax or stimulate.
Or lend itself to heal.
Today rhythm is credited with
improving medical outcomes and life quality,
in multitudinous ways.
Listening to music
can reduce the anxiety associated with
chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
it can quell nausea and limit
vomiting for those on the receiving end.
Overall, music therapy may decrease
pain recognition,
thereby reducing the amount
of required meds.
It can relieve depression,
and give one a sense of control.