By William Laferriere
in a bleak silent antiseptic room machinery lightly hums
thoughts drift like asymmetrical leaves on a stream
uncertainty and courage unfold
a mosaic of moments fragmentary yet whole
the body a landscape of change
each and every scar a story a testament
to resilience to the will to endure
to transform and transcend
the face in the mirror seems unfamiliar
the eyes hold a fierce light
a determination that defies words
a silent promise to oneself
the world outside moves in its rhythm
yet here time warps bends and stretches
moments of clarity amidst the haze
finding strength in unexpected places
hands reach out connections form
threads of empathy weave a tapestry
shared journeys and whispered fears
laughter echoes in the void
in this space of becoming and unraveling
there is beauty in the struggle a graceful intent
a metamorphosis unfolding quietly powerfully
the emergence of something new from within
and as the dawn breaks anew each day
there is hope in the light filtering through
a reminder that transformation is not an end but a beginning
a continuous journey towards wholeness

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