By Brookshire McDonald
Lose my hair
Oh NO!
My head will be exposed
Your head shape
Will be revealed to you;
And a surprise may come
Right out of the blue.
Without the loss
You never would know,
Just how your face
Can come aglow!!
So try not to be sad
Or bemoan,
And even refrain
From a slightest groan.
You’ll get through this
And be happy too;
They have a medicine
To address cancer in you!!
Some of you
Will get to ring bells,
After completing the fight
To kill cancer cells,
Others who didn’t
Go that route,
Will still see
What it’s all about.
So grab your scarf, wig, hat,
Or even stay bald.
No one choice
Is perfect for all!
Then look in the mirror
And see the strong person
You are.
You’ll become ahead in this race
And closer to win—by far!
Brookshire McDonald
Patron Saint SBC

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