By VH Lester
(last radiotherapy) 20.12.24
Hit me baby one more time
Give my fraction of radiation
One more step along this bumpy road I go
Yes this is it here I go last push
Insurance policy for my future
Promises of never never
Cold hands draw red and black markings like road paint
Seeing my distorted reflection and suddenly feel faint l feel
like a microwaved chicken pie warmed up with rays deep inside
I’m never scared just quite amazed this big white ship keeps my place whilst radiologists rush around symphony no. 5 in the background
So many needles I’ve totally lost count, from operations to chemo I’m all energied out
They said it takes a year to feel sane I certainly agree now 6 months of treatment ago it came
What started with a lump turned into a mountain climb
But I’ve reached the summit
I’m proud to say because today my dears is final boobie radiation day
Yes I’m going to run before I can walk and feel the ice cold wind in my mouth as I talk
I’m going to places I’ve never been, behave like an outrageous drama queen
I’m going to hold my mum and dad so tight they will have to struggle or put up a fight
I’m going to look in my children’s faces and squeeze them when we are in the same places
I’m going to hold my darling’s hand and stroke his face as he understands, he’s been there night and day non stop I can’t get enough

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