Ilene loved writing, drawing, jewelry making, music, and all things vintage and antique. Reading and learning and laughing and singing and dancing and hiking and just meditating. A little gentle yoga and hikes in the Sierra foothills of California certainly keep things interesting. Equally as important she enjoyed guest blogging and writing for publications. Her cancerversary was on March 25th – diagnosed de novo – from the beginning – with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I have lived 7 years beating the savage average mortality of 2-3 years. Ilene was forced into retirement at the age of 49 and started her blog, the Cancer Bus and a small Etsy business as well as completing healing circle training through Healing Circles Global. Ilene was a member of the metastatic breast cancer community and especially active on Twitter @ilenealizah. She was also a friend, sister, wife, stepmom, and cat mom to Simon.
Hear Ilene on our Podcast Breast Cancer Conversations
Read Ilene's Poetry
Read Ilene's Content on our SBC Blog
Healing Circles and Breast Cancer