TISCHLER--Alyson, beloved wife of John Eberhart, adored and adoring mother of Simon, cherished daughter of Beth and Warren Tischler, loving sister of Jonathan Tischler and his wife, Eiko, dear aunt of Emi and Nina, niece, cousin and friend to all she met. She passed away peacefully at home in Woodbridge, CT on April 9, 2021. A 1995 Phi Beta Kappa and High Honors graduate of Wesleyan University, Alyson earned her MA and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in English Literature in 2000. She was a Vice President of Material Plus, a marketing firm, with her primary focus being pharmaceutical and healthcare research. In recent years, she became a patient advocate in the triple negative breast cancer community, a source of support and strength to others on the same journey.
Hear Alyson on our Podcast Breast Cancer Conversations
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