By William Laferriere

(The ethics of a genetics tale - dedicated to Trish)
An 18th century poet once upon a time
aptly noted that some to misery were born
he then bespoke of endless night
and all that pertains.
Still as we seek progress
spot on germline mutation discoveries
allow us to see through the eye
of the truth that is to be.
And navigate through the nascent struggle
discerning the ethics of involvement
the sharing of detail
the need to know.
A patient’s protections
the shattering of consciousness
a smattering of objectivity
the toxicity of detail.
Emotional recusal from the
deleterious effects
understandable and undeniable
a blink of the eye
The honor system under siege
a metaphysical breakthrough
of a sort heretofore unknown
help indeed on the way.