By William Laferriere

Swimming at dusk
in an exhilarating, refreshing Atlantic
Owning one’s body, in perfect harmony with the now.
Multiple daily hikes in very high heat
So many Trails
Penobscot, Pemetic, Sargent, Bald, Cadillac and more
All are Bony, proffering a variety of Boulders and
Perhaps awaiting an unsuspecting foot,
Short but steep,
Just another mile or so to go
Watching a puppy hopping up up up, happy as a Billy goat
Observing a spirited Bald Eagle,
nest a mile high
sitting on two chicks,
She too takes Ice cold dips into the ocean,
In search of nourishment for the little ones
Fires nightly,
to soothe one’s soul and procure
Post Covid Camping friendships for life