By Dawn Oswald
A roller coaster
It can go up or down
What goes up must go back down
It can turn, twist and even go backwards
You might stumble and go backwards, but you can also turn it back around
Take it for a joy ride
You can go fast or slow
It’s your ride
If you don’t like it, then turn it around
Turn it around for you
Let the world know you’re making the change
A change for you, no one else
Get on that roller coaster and guide it your way
You can play it safe
Or live on the edge
It’s your day
It’s your life
A roller coaster of fun
A roller coaster of fear
You can have a thrill of your life
It’s okay to be scared
Yell and scream
Laugh or cry
Buy some time
With a dime
Ride it again and again
Until you get it right
Right for you
You can sin
Or you can go straight
You are guiding it
Over and over again
Remember it’s your ride
Your ride of your lifetime
Now hop on

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