By Triona Lonergan
Somebody said that everything happens for a reason.
Somebody said you’re only challenged with what you can handle.
Somebody said the best way out is through.
Somebody said nothing is impossible,
Somebody said things do not change, we do
Somebody said that difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.
They told me to trust the process
They told me to embrace the uncertainty
They told me it always gets worse before it gets better
They told me life won’t wait.
They told me that if you’re going through hell, keep going.
They told me that sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.
When somebody assumes, they can’t see what is
When somebody smiles, they conceal their story.
When somebody stumbles, they make it part of the dance.
When somebody says the truth will set you free, they must be willing to hear it.
When somebody believes in tomorrow, they will live for today.
Unless somebody faces adversity, they’ll never understand that …
The only way somebody survives is by believing they can!!
Somebody, the wisest person they ever quoted.

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