Surviving Breast Cancer

6 days ago1 min

To My Bosom Buddy

By June Gregorzek

As a teenager all I wanted was breasts, 

But instead I got bumps, 

Where was the rest?

I failed the pencil test my girlfriends could do,

My pencil fell to the floor and hit my shoe. 

You stayed flat through my teens 

And into my marriage

But grew when it was time for a baby carriage. 

My milk came in and you grew in size but

I could hardly believe my eyes! 

Then you shrank again and stayed that way

Until that very fateful day 

Menopause! I now have boobs 

Along with hot flashes and lots of moods! 

We made it through that 

But the time has come 

To say goodbye, I will only have one. 

You served me well 

But as we say ta ta, 

No ta tas for me 

But I’ll still have a TA!

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